Be More Clive

As the bank holidays are looming and the summer evenings are getting longer we are working in partnership with Lambourne Taxis reminding everyone to ensure they have plans to travel safely and not to drink and drive. 3 of Luxibus and Lambourne’s vehicles are now sporting the Commission’s ‘Be More Clive, Don’t Drink and Drive’ campaign and the very clear message to ‘book a cab’ if people want to be safe when returning home. CT Plus also convey Clive’s message – ‘no need to fuss, I’m getting the bus!’ 

“There have been 34 arrests for drink driving to date this year according to the Guernsey Police and that’s far too many,” says Andrea Nightingale, “the ripple effect of drink driving can be devastating not only to the individual but to the family, friends and colleagues. Changes to relationships, the financial impact of a fine, the increasing insurance policy, loss of employment are all factors that can easily happen with being caught over the limit.” 

There are so many alternatives to use. You will find #BLT on all our campaign material which stands for Bus, Lift, Taxi, so be prepared and know how you are getting home. If your vehicle isn’t waiting for you at the end of the night, there is no temptation to use it. 

David Willcocks, the Operations Director of Luxibus and Lambourne Taxis said: 

“Taxi's are a simple option to get home after your night out, cutting out the risk that drink driving poses to yourself or others. The States of Guernsey and 1st call taxis, both have free apps which you can download onto a smartphone and use to book taxis on demand while you are enjoying your night out. Go out and enjoy yourselves and get a taxi home. Most taxi drivers will take pre-bookings with phones manned most of the time so if you don’t have a smart phone then you can still call.”