Active Spectators - It's your time to move

Recent findings from the Guernsey and Alderney Wellbeing Survey 2023 reveal that a lack of leisure time is the most common barrier to being more active. The survey also indicates that satisfaction with leisure time is lower among those with children compared to those without, and those aged 25-44 are the least likely to report high satisfaction with the amount of leisure time they have. In response, the commission is initiating convenient opportunities for parents to be active while their children participate in sports clubs, maximizing any available time.

We know it can be difficult for busy parents to find time to be active, especially when juggling their children's activities. Dropping off children at some of these activities might provide a brief window of time for parents to be active if convenient opportunities are available.

Our goal is to create and promote these opportunities, making it easier for parents to be active. Even a few minutes of regular activity can improve your health.

Sam Green, Adult Physical Activity Officer

The project has been launched by positioning two bikes at Beau Sejour for parents and carers of children in swim school to use whilst their children are swimming. The project will be expanded to other sporting venues across the island and offer other activities.

Ideas could include instructor led sessions, parent led sessions, walking and running groups or providing ideas for parents to follow and be active on their own.

We want to work with parents and clubs to understand activities they would like and what would work well for that particular setting.

Sam Green, Adult Physical Activity Officer

The Commission are asking parents to complete a short survey to gather ideas on activities they would like to see and where. 

The survey can be found HERE or by scanning the QR code below.