Mini Munch is a programme of work which aims to help early years children develop healthy eating habits. Projects range from policy development to practical support for practitioners and parents.

Alongside the States’ Early Years Team, we have co-developed the content of the Nutrition Code of Good Practice for Early Years which is now being rolled out across all settings to help ensure that their food environment and provision meets the Early Years Quality Standards Framework.

We provide bespoke support to Early Years settings to help them take a Whole Setting Approach includes providing training and resources for practitioners and parents and advice on menus, tastings, non-food rewards, celebrations and lunchbox guidance for parents and carers.

We have sponsored training across the Health Visiting Service to ensure healthy eating support for parents of young children is consistent and integral to everyday practice. We have also developed resources alongside parents and professionals to help create healthy lunch boxes based on local research (check out the Lunch Box Lowdown initiative).

