Count 14 is a campaign which aims to encourage people to consider their alcohol consumption and raise the public’s awareness of the low risk drinking guidelines of 14 units per week. 

Count 14 was developed by NHS Scotland and includes a range of tools, including a drinks calculator, to help people understand what 14 units looks like in alcohol servings. Visit the Count 14 website using the link below.

This campaign was launched in 2020 and has included many initiatives to engage the Community in a fun and inclusive way to get our important message across.

A local survey was conducted at the start to guage how much the community knew about units and the guidelines and was repeated in 2022 with 9% increase in awareness that guidelines are the same for everyone.

Distribution of over 1000 free unit calculators, measuring cups in partnership with all GP practices and community venues.

Over the years we have obtained real stories, through videos from well-known members of the community of how calculating 14 units per week, spreading them over 3 or more days had an impact on their drinking habits, many non-alcoholic taster sessions at island wide events encouraging the community to think about alternatives to alcoholic drinks and many tips and messages across all social media platforms to enable the widest reach possible

Early analysis shows that the campaign is having good reach into the community. Watch this space for further campaign updates!

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Key Contact

Andrea Nightingale Team - Substance Use Lead