Sunday February 9th 9am – Bathing Pools 

Count 14 Challenge Are you joining us and millions of others for this year Dry January? 

If so, would you like to end the month on a high joining us for our first ever Count 14 Challenge. Count 14 is a campaign which aims to encourage people to consider their alcohol consumption and raise the public’s awareness of the low risk drinking guidelines of 14 units per week, spread out over at least 3 days. 

SO, with the number 14 in mind the Health Improvement Commission kindly supported by Specsavers has created a one of a kind running and walking challenge. Starting at 9am from the Bathing Pools on Sunday January 26th we are asking teams of up to 14 of you to run 14 laps from the Bathing Pools to the Yacht Club ( 1 lap). You can run as an individual or as pair or as a team of up to 14! The only stipulation is that at least 3 team members take part in the last lap (or 2 if you’re doing it in a pair) 

Don't fancy running!? We have that covered too. We have a walking route starting from the Aquarium and heading up the stairs to the Clarence Battery (up and down will count as one lap). This can also be done in teams of up to 14 people. 

Tea, coffee, and a breakfast snack will be available for everyone taking part and the Bathing Pools will also be serving all of their usual delicious options should spectators want to warm up and grab something to eat or drink. 

To register HERE