Our 2023 Annual Report is out!

We are pleased to share our 2023 Annual Report, which is available to download HERE

The report looks back on another busy year for the team across our five workstreams: 

Be Active, Eat Well, Healthier Weight, Substance Use and Bailiwick Social Prescribing.  

The work we report reflects the partnerships that we have with a wide range of organisations across the public, private a third sectors locally and we are very grateful to them for their collaboration and support.  

Highlights from 2023 include

350 people referred to Bailiwick Social Prescribing which is now available through all primary care practices 

New accessible opportunities for adults to be active through eight Island Games Physical Activity Legacy grants awarded to community groups such as Wheels for You, Guernsey Employment Trust and Guernsey Basketball. 

Community-wide information campaigns on vaping and low-risk drinking. 

Engaging early years and schools in advancing their whole school approach to nutrition and physical activity, providing training, grants, and bespoke support. 

School active travel supported with new bike shelters, cycling clubs, ‘walking buses’ and bike playground markings. 

Continued success for individuals and families benefitting from the HENRY and Counterweight programmes. 

Successfully embedding healthy eating, active travel and alcohol alternatives in the Island Games

“I am delighted to be able to present another year of significant achievements by the Commission and am confident that the many strands of the Commission’s work and the strength of our team will continue to benefit the health of our community”.

Mike Bane, Chair

“Our 2023 report highlights the breadth of work that the Commission team delivered in 2023, from community programmes, whole-school approaches and training to awareness raising, island-wide events and advice on health strategy and policy. I am incredibly grateful to the Commission team and all our collaborators who make this work possible”.

Dr Simon Sebire